low settling velocity (e.g., it takes 67 min for a 5 μm particle to fall 3 m). Fine particles with virus attached to them can be inhaled by humans and reach the epithelial cells of the respiratory system (Xu et al., 2020). SARS- CoV-2 can remain viable for hours in aerosols (Zhu et al., 2020). Conticini et al. (2020) explain how poor air quality can lead to innate immune sys- tem hyperactivation, which has been found in COVID-19 patients; the authors also argue that abnormally high death counts reported in the Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia regions in Italy could be due to poor air qual- ity. They state that these areas of Italy are among the most polluted areas in Italy and
in Europe in terms of AQI based on five pol- lutants (i.e., PM 2.5 , PM 10 , O 3 , NO 2 , and SO 2 ). Conticini et al. further argue that older adults who live in areas with a high concentration of particulate matter for a long period of time have a high probability of contracting the virus because they have a weak upper airway defense system. Detailed research is needed to correlate air pollution levels and COVID- 19 cases across cities in Pakistan. This study and other similar studies from dierent countries show that by staying at home, humans decreased pressure on the global environment and especially lessened their impact on the quality of air. COVID- 19, however, has taken a grim toll on lives,
the economy, health systems, and the mental health of people (Mahato et al., 2020). Global emissions have nevertheless declined for the first time in the last 12 years. One key lesson is that improved air quality is possible if we switch to renewable energy sources, bring about systematic changes in our energy infrastructure, and promote green commuting to be more sustainable (Bao & Zhang, 2020). Corresponding Author: Mehreen Khan, Depart- ment of Environmental Science and Policy, Lahore School of Economics, Barki Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Email: mehreen.haider26@gmail.com.
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