NEHA March 2023 Journal of Environmental Health

satisfaction of the AAS board your good moral character and high ethical and professional standing. For further information, please visit the AAS website at In 2020, NEHA President Dr. Priscilla Oliver, the founder of the One NEHA theme, started the NEHA History Project Task Force, which is composed of a group of illustrious NEHA professionals who have made numer- ous contributions to our field. I have had the privilege and honor of being an ex-officio member of this task force. The NEHA History Project Task Force accomplishments include launching a web- page in 2021, led by Kristen Ruby-Cisneros, managing editor of the Journal of Environ- mental Health , to showcase its work and NEHA’s history ( The NEHA History Project webpage provides an overview of the project and a list of task force members and how to get involved. Other highlights from the NEHA History Project webpage include: • An electronic version of the NEHA Green Book: E nvironmental Health 1937–1987, Fifty Years of Professional Development With

Harry Grenawitzke, Dr. Priscilla Oliver, Dick Pantages, Vince Radke, Dr. Welford Roberts, and Dr. Chris Wiant. Retired RADM Webb Young represents the uniformed services and Drs. Robert Powitz and Leon Vinci represent the private sector. Rounding out the commit- tee in an ex-officio capacity (along with me) are NEHA Executive Director Dr. David Dy- jack and Kristen Ruby-Cisneros. The NEHA History Project Task Force states it best: “All forms of input, ideas, and history are welcomed, and we invite you to share that with the task force. The task force also encour- ages individuals to reach out if interested in joining our work in preserving and presenting the history of NEHA and our profession.” Please become involved with NEHA on a local, state, or national level by spreading the word that environmental health is public health. In doing so, it can be as Dr. Seuss said, “You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.”

the National Association of Sanitarians/ National Environmental Health Association was published in 1987 by NEHA and pro- vides a brief history of the first 50 years of the association. The task force, led by Dr. Hermen Koren, is developing a new and updated publication on the history of NEHA and the profession. • NEHA Virtual Museum: We have posted images and descriptions of artifacts, instrumentation and tools, publications, and miscellaneous items related to envi- ronmental health and NEHA from the per- sonal collection of Dr. Robert Powitz. • A listing of past NEHA AECs: You can learn about where our past AECs have been held and peruse links to the reports published in the Journal of Environmental Health about each conference. Dr. Leon Vinci has been a great chairper- son keeping us on target. The task force has included distinguished individuals from aca- demia such as Dr. Jack Hatlen and Dr. Her- man Koren. Several NEHA past presidents have served on the task force, including Bob Custard, Diane Eastman, Dr. Amer El-Ahraf, (800) 888-6035


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