NEHA March 2023 Journal of Environmental Health



Preconference Oerings at the 2023 AEC The NEHA 2023 Annual Educational Confer- ence (AEC) & Exhibition—to be held on July 31–August 3 in New Orleans, Louisiana—will include a full preconference schedule oƒering attendees the opportunity to take a creden- tial review course or attend a workshop or training on a variety of topics. More details, updates, and registration information can be found at www.neha. org/aec-preconference. Certified Professional–Food Safety (CP-FS) Credential Review Course (July 29–30) This 2-day refresher course is designed to enhance your preparation for the NEHA CP-FS credential exam and will cover exam content areas. Participants are expected to have prior food safety knowledge and training equal to the eligibility requirements to sit for the exam. The instructor will be available during and after the course for ques- tions. There will be the opportunity to take the paper exam on-site at the AEC. An additional application and fee are required to take the exam and candidates must apply online. Please allow 6 weeks to process applications. Fee: $449 for NEHA members and $549 for nonmembers. Registration includes the CP-FS Study Package ( CP-FS Study Guide (4th edition) and CP-FS flash cards). Registered Environmental Health Specialist/Registered Sanitarian (REHS/RS) Credential Review Course (July 29–31) This 2.5-day refresher course is designed to enhance your prepara- tion for the NEHA REHS/RS credential exam and will cover exam content areas. Participants are expected to have a solid foundation of environmental health knowledge and training equal to the eli- gibility requirements to sit for the exam. There will be the oppor- tunity to take the paper exam on-site at the AEC. An additional application and fee are required to take the exam and candidates must apply online. Please allow 6 weeks to process applications. Fee: $549 for NEHA members and $649 for nonmembers. Registration

Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code: Certified Pool Operator (CPO) Fusion Course (July 30) This 1-day CPO Fusion Course prepares attendees to be certified or recertified as a CPO. Attendees will complete one half of the course online at their own pace and then will attend the 1-day course at the AEC for certification. Registration is due by July 10 to provide attendees with ample time to complete the online portion of the course. Fee: $350. Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code: Certified Public Health Pool Inspector Course (July 31) This new, 1-day certification course from the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code is designed just for public health o–cials. Based on the Model Aquatic Health Code from the Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention, the course provides the information needed to confidently inspect commercial pools. This course is a pilot oƒering and attendees will be able to provide input to guide finalization of the course. Fee: $200. Environmental Health and Land Reuse (EHLR) Immersion Training (July 29–31) This interactive 2.5-day training aims to increase the skills of the environmental health workforce to engage in land reuse and rede- velopment. The training takes a deeper dive into the first three modules of our original EHLR Basic Training, which focus on community engagement, evaluation, and risk communication. Participants will earn 20 continuing education contact hours after completion of the training. Prior to this training, attendees must complete modules 1, 2, and 3 of the EHLR Certificate Training at Fee: $25 for NEHA members and $50 for nonmembers. NEHA and FDA National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards Self-Assessment and Verification Audit Workshop (July 29–31) This workshop is designed to provide participants with an overview of the National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards criteria and an in-depth understanding of the self-assessment and verifica- tion audit processes, worksheets, and forms. Participants should be program managers or directly responsible for conducting program self-assessments and preparing for verification audits. Fee: $140. Tools for Working Better, Smarter, Cheaper as You Utilize Data and Planning to Ensure Environmental Health Program Success: A Workshop for Current and Aspiring Environmental Health Leaders (July 31) Does your environmental health program have all the funding, resources, and support needed to meet the needs of your commu- nity? Are you and other staƒ able to work to your full potential? Do you possess the data or evidence that indicate your programs are eƒective and e–cient? If not, this one half-day workshop can oƒer tools helpful in achieving program and personal goals. Fee: No cost but preregistration is required.

includes the REHS/RS Study Guide (5th edition). A liate Leadership Workshop (July 31)

This one half-day workshop is designed just for NEHA a–liate leaders to collaborate, learn, and network. The session will explore environmental health legislation, leadership with a shared pur- pose, enhancing partnerships and linkages with NEHA, and much more. Fee: No cost but preregistration is required. Communication: Influencing Inspection Outcomes (July 31) When you walk away from an inspection or audit, do you have assurances owners, operators, and employees have a greater under- standing of environmental health and how to partner in protection of their communities? This session will examine why communica- tion in environmental health is important to positive inspection outcomes. Fee: No cost but preregistration is required.


Volume 85 • Number 7

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