NEHA July/August 2024 Journal of Environmental Health



New Adoption Toolkit for the Body Art Model Code

Check out the informational video for the simulator and sign up for notifications at We Provided Thought Leadership at the World Congress on Environmental Health

Developing and adopting body art regulations can be a long and challenging process that can vary widely between jurisdictions due to di ering administrative procedures and rulemaking processes. This toolkit outlines a path to Body Art Model Code (BAMC) adop- tion for jurisdictions interested in utilizing the BAMC to develop, update, or enhance their regulations. The toolkit includes: • Steps and recommended actions to take during the adoption process • Advice, best practices, and lessons learned from industry and regulators • Tools and information for talking to decision-makers such as legislators and board members • Relevant resources: » Templates and examples » Signed letters of support » Vetted resources to facilitate or enhance partnership with industry » Trainings for regulatory sta Learn more and view the toolkit at Disaster Readiness Simulator We are developing a Disaster Readiness Simulator that o ers a revolutionary approach to preparing for the reality of concurrent disasters. The simulator enables organizations to accurately test and understand their emergency response capabilities and human resource capacities. This web application enhances preparedness for multifaceted disaster scenarios by ensuring personnel are opti- mally allocated according to specialized expertise. You can use this simulator to enhance collaboration across the emergency response, environmental public health, and public health systems to better prepare, respond, and recover from con- current disasters.

Our leadership and sta provided thought leadership and rep- resented the workforce and association at the 17th International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) World Congress on Environmental Health in Perth, Australia, on May 20–24, 2024. The congress provides a platform for environmental health practi- tioners and industries to share knowledge on emerging techniques, developments, and innovations in the field. Aligned with the conference theme, Environmental Health in the New Era, we shared insight on risk communication, emer- gency readiness, artificial intelligence (AI), and environmental health policy. NEHA President-Elect CDR Anna Khan conducted a 2-day, sold- out preconference workshop on risk communication while Dr. Jesse Bliss, our director of Program and Partnership Development, delivered a standing-room-only session on emergency readiness and AI. Our Executive Director Dr. David Dyjack led a discussion on the future of the profession. Further, Dour Farquhar, our direc- tor of Government A airs, presented virtually on environmental


Volume 87 • Number 1

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