NEHA July/August 2024 Journal of Environmental Health

Gerding, J.A., Landeen, E., Kelly, K.R., White- head, S., Dyjack, D.T., Sarisky, J., & Brooks, B.W. (2019). Uncovering environmental health: An initial assessment of the pro- fession’s health department workforce and practice. Journal of Environmental Health , 81 (10), 24–33. Hecker, S., Haklay, M., Bowser, A., Makuch, Z., Vogel, J., & Bonn, A. (2018). Citizen science: Innovation in open science, soci- ety and policy . UCL Press. https://doi. org/10.14324/111.9781787352339

Roche, J., Bell, L., Galvão, C., Golumbic, Y.N., Kloetzer, L., Knoben, N., Laakso, M., Lorke, J., Mannion, G., Massetti, L., Mauchline, A., Pata, K., Ruck, A., Taraba, P., & Winter, S. (2020). Citizen science, education, and learning: Challenges and opportunities. Frontiers in Sociology , 5 . Ryan, B.J., & Hall, K. (2022). Strengthen- ing the environmental health professional pipeline from education into practice. Jour- nal of Environmental Health , 84 (7), 28–30.

Siddiqi, S.M., Uscher-Pines, L., Leinhos, M., Dekker, D., & Chari, R. (2023). Pub- lic health readiness for citizen science: Health department experiences. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice , 29 (4), 464–472. PHH.0000000000001658 Wiggins, A., & Wilbanks, J. (2019). The rise of citizen science in health and biomedical research. The American Journal of Bioethics , 19 (8), 3–14. 161.2019.1619859

Climate change is the biggest health threat of our lifetimes and will a ect vulnerable populations the most significantly. The environmental health field works at this intersection of health and the environment and plays a key role in developing solutions and helping communities adapt to the impacts of climate change. We have several resources available to help you, such as the Regional Health E ects of Climate Change StoryMap and the Climate and Health Adapta- tion and Mitigation Program. Our Climate & Health Guides cover topics includ- ing air quality, readiness, food safety, hazardous materials and waste manage- ment, water quality, and vector control. You can find these resources and more at

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July/August 2024 • Journal of Environmental Health

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