NEHA July/August 2024 Journal of Environmental Health

powerful tool for detailed studies on environ- mental public health. In addition, our study results have been communicated to Montevi- deo government ocials for their consider- ation when planning where to place cycling paths, especially as the cycling path network is expanding within the city. Acknowledgments: We thank the volunteer cyclists who participated in our study. We appreciate the collaboration from the Munic- ipality of Montevideo and their contribu-

tions of relevant data to our study. Further, we thank the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism at the University of the Repub- lic for granting permission to place a mea- surement instrument in its facilities during the fieldwork period of the study. We also appreciate the comments provided by Dr. Luis Amaralle on the e ect of hyperventila- tion on exhaled CO. Our research was funded by the Sectoral Commission for Scientific Research at the University of the Republic (Project No. CSIC-

VUSP-M2-2019-35). The funders had no role in the design of our study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in writing the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results. Corresponding Author: Mauro D’Angelo, Fac- ulty of Engineering, Institute of Fluid Mechan- ics and Environmental Engineering, Univer- sity of the Republic, Julio Herrera y Reissig 565, Montevideo, 11300, Uruguay. Email:


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