NEHA July/August 2024 Journal of Environmental Health


References continued from page 13

lected in conservation areas and private lands of Adair County, Missouri. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society , 92 (3), 512–525. Small, M.M., Laverty, S.M., King, C.B., & Brennan, R.E. (2019). Tick species establishment in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, U.S.A., identified by seasonal sampling in residential and non-residen- tial sites. Journal of Vector Ecology , 44 (1), 105–111. https://doi. org/10.1111/jvec.12334 Trout Fryxell, R.T., Steelman, C.D., Szalanski, A.L., Billingsley, P.M., & Williamson, P.C. (2015). Molecular detection of Rickettsia species within ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) collected from Arkansas,

United States. Journal of Medical Entomology , 52 (3), 500–508. Trout Fryxell, R.T., Vann, D.N., Butler, R.A., Paulsen, D.J., Chandler, J.G., Willis, M.P., Wyrosdick, H.M., Schaefer, J.J., Gerhold, R.W., Grove, D.M., Ivey, J.Z., Thompson, K.W., Applegate, R.D., Sweaney, J., Daniels, S., Beaty, S., Balthaser, D., Freye, J.D., II, Mertins, J.W., . . . Lahmers, K. (2021). Rapid discovery and detection of Haema- physalis longicornis through the use of passive surveillance and collaboration: Building a state tick-surveillance network. Interna- tional Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 18 (15), Article 7980.

We oer numerous resources to help environmental health professionals iden- tify, prepare for, respond to, and understand the current and emerging vectors and pests found in the U.S. We oer webinars, tool kits, training courses, and other resources to help you protect the public from the transmission of vec- torborne diseases and to control vectors in your communities. Check out our Vectors & Pests webpage for all these resources at

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Volume 87 • Number 1

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