NEHA July/August 2024 Journal of Environmental Health


Gettings, J.R., Self, S.C.W., McMahan, C.S., Brown, D.A., Nordone, S.K., & Yabsley, M.J. (2020). Local and regional temporal trends (2013–2019) of canine Ehrlichia spp. seroprevalence in the USA. Parasites & Vectors , 13 , Article 153. s13071-020-04022-4 Gilliam, B., Gronemeyer, P., Chakraborty, S., Winata, F., Lyons, L.A., Miller-Hunt, C., Tuten, H.C., Debosik, S., Freeman, D., O’Hara- Ruiz, M., & Mateus-Pinilla, N. (2020). Impact of unexplored data sources on the historical distribution of three vector tick species in Illinois. Journal of Medical Entomology , 57 (3), 872–883. https:// Herrmann, J.A., Dahm, N.M., Ruiz, M.O., & Brown, W.M. (2014). Temporal and spatial distribution of tick-borne disease cases among humans and canines in Illinois (2000–2009). Environmen- tal Health Insights , 8 (Suppl. 2), 15–27. EHI.S16017 Hinckley, A.F., Meek, J.I., Ray, J.A.E., Niesobecki, S.A., Connally, N.P., Feldman, K.A., Jones, E.H., Backenson, P.B., White, J.L., Lukacik, G., Kay, A.B., Miranda, W.P., & Mead, P.S. (2016). E£ectiveness of residential acaricides to prevent Lyme and other tick-borne diseases in humans. The Journal of Infectious Diseases , 214 (2), 182–188. Hudman, D.A., & Sargentini, N.J. (2016). Detection of Borrelia , Ehrlichia , and Rickettsia spp. in ticks in northeast Missouri. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases , 7 (5), 915–921. ttbdis.2016.04.010 Hudman, D.A., & Sargentini, N.J. (2018). Prevalence of tick-borne pathogens in northeast Missouri. Missouri Medicine , 115 (2), 162–168. Lester Rothfeldt, L.K., Jacobs, R.F., Wheeler, J.G., Weinstein, S., & Haselow, D.T. (2017). Variation in tularemia clinical manifesta- tions—Arkansas, 2009–2013. Open Forum Infectious Diseases , 4 (1), Article ofx027. Lockwood, B.H., Stasiak, I., Pfa£, M.A., Cleveland, C.A., & Yabsley, M.J. (2018). Widespread distribution of ticks and selected tick- borne pathogens in Kentucky (USA). Ticks and Tick-borne Dis- eases , 9 (3), 738–741. Loss, S.R., Noden, B.H., Hamer, G.L., & Hamer, S.A. (2016). A quan- titative synthesis of the role of birds in carrying ticks and tick- borne pathogens in North America. Oecologia , 182 (4), 947–959. Luedtke, B.E., Sha£er, J.J., Monrroy, E., Willicott, C.W., & Bourret, T.J. (2020). Molecular detection of spotted fever group Rickett- siae (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) in Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae) collected along the Platte River in South Central Nebraska. Journal of Medical Entomology , 57 (2), 519–523. https:// Lyons, L.A., Brand, M.E., Gronemeyer, P., Mateus-Pinilla, N., O’Hara Ruiz, M., Stone, C.M., Tuten, H.C., & Smith, R.L. (2021). Com- paring contributions of passive and active tick collection meth- ods to determine establishment of ticks of public health concern

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