NEHA December 2024 Journal of Environmental Health

cal variables, and NO x emissions at a pre- dominantly downwind monitoring station at the northern edge of Dallas-Fort Worth. This study analyzed daily data from this sta- tion from 2001 to 2023. Study results indi- cate an overall downward trend for MDA8 ozone levels, disrupted by sharp increases in recent years. In order of strength, noon

solar radiation, maximum temperature, noon relative humidity, noon wind speed, and average NO x concentration significantly correlated with MDA8 ozone levels. Further, atmospheric warming contributed to higher MDA8 ozone concentrations and regulatory exceedances in recent years. From a policy standpoint, measures that offset global

warming can also mitigate ozone buildup in urban complexes.

Corresponding Author: Paul F. Hudak, Department of Geography and the Environ- ment, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle #305279, Denton, TX 76203-5017. Email:


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