Users/wjone/Downloads/EH%20Strike%20Team%20 Program%20Overview%20(2).pdf 62 Go-bags are an assemblage of supplies and personal gear that a team member might bring to a wildfire response or recovery to perform their duties. A team go-bag might include instrumentation, forms, test kits, or other tools necessary to document, measure, test or sample within their scope of duties. 63 Strike teams are mentioned not only to advise of their potential presence and use, but that local environmental public health agencies may want to consider setting up their own for deployment outside their jurisdiction. 64 Continuity of Operations/Business Continuity Planning, US Department of Health and Human Services website of-operations-coop-business-continuity-planning/110 65 In California, continuity of operations has on occasion been handled by bringing in mutual aid for environmental health and hazardous materials resources. Long term incidents will often be offset by longer term contracts with similar resources from other jurisdictions. 66 There may be assessment work that is more immediate than others but all occur relatively soon after the wildfire passes. Some entities may combine resources to perform for example damage assessment, hazardous materials assessments, building assessments, and drinking water well assessments. 67 US EPA Environmental Justice weblink 68 Building Private-Public Partnerships, FEMA, July 2021 69 The Guide to Cross Sector Collaboration, Resonance 70 Emergency Support Function 18, Business and Industry, Florida 71 This role may be performed by involved PIOs. 72 Specific states may also have their own weblinks to similar air quality information such as Washington Smoke Information 73 While most sanitation issues during the wildfire event will be focused on base camps, command posts, or mass care facilities, the larger issues may arise after the fire is contained in communities impacted. Working early on with the community and local vendors will become critical. 74 In many disaster locations, the ARC is involved with mass care. They receive extensive training to ensure the mass care locations are compliant with applicable codes or safe practices. 75 A number of State’s have their own ESF annexes, often with more than the 15 federal ESF’s. Environmental public health should be familiar with their own State’s ESF structure and lead agencies.
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