About this Project The National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) represents the second-largest section of the governmental public health workforce. Our mission is to build, sustain, and empower an effective environmental public health workforce. One method of doing so is to provide up-to-date information and training relevant to the topics and challenges of the day. In the United States, professionals working in health departments have roles and responsibili- ties to address environmental-related threats and hazards. Environmental public health profession - als form a critical component of the public health system, providing services to curb environmental health threats and prevent adverse health out - comes. We are the recipient of federal award NU38OT000300 CFDA #93.421 from Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for programmatic activities for
Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services through National Partnerships to Improve and Pro - tect the Nation’s Health. We retained William Jones Consulting (Jones.7441@gmail.com ) to develop this wildfire guidance using research, consultation, knowledge, and experience. Subject matter experts were also utilized to review and provide input: Andrew Whelton, Ph.D. Purdue University / Water Quality Expert / awhelton@purdue.edu ; Lane Drager Manager BCPH Consumer Protection Program / ldrager@bouldercounty.org ; Kelly, Kaitlyn R, Air Quality Policy Specialist, Wash - ington State Department of Health kaitlyn.kelly@ doh.wa.gov; Mel Knight, Environmental Health Consultant / melknight@sbcglobal.net ; and
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