Sanitation Most emergency operations will have sanitation facilities brought to the incident command post and to other areas within the fire impact area. Commu - nities will generally be in a holding pattern until the fire is contained, then some of the issues related to power outages, destruction of septic systems, and availability of portable toilets will begin to show. Sanitation in mass care, feeding locations, and base camps will be extremely important and should be included and reviewed as part of an inspection of such facilities or encampments. Providing guidance and direction to the public is key to ensure appropriate options are considered when sewage, water, or water systems are impacted. There are several options for disposal of human waste in a post-fire scenario depending on the state of their current facilities, the availability of water and power, the impacts being placed on septic sys - tems, chemical toilet needs, and the location of the service needs. While people want to reoccupy their residences, they need to consider available utilities and disposal services. Solid Waste Removal Solid waste removal, especially of putrefied foods and other perishable materials, may become nec - essary. This should be coordinated with appro - priate vendors and landfills. This issue will arise as more people reoccupy partially damaged or undamaged homes that have been under pro - longed power shutoffs. Septic Systems Septic systems may be impacted in a wildfire and require evaluation and alternatives until the sys - tem can be evaluated and cleared for use. A septic system service professional may be necessary to evaluate and/or determine the necessary repairs. In the meantime, temporary toilets are recom - mended. Sample Messaging • Guidance for Septic Systems Before, During and After A Wildfire
Recovery Objectives • Coordinate provision of emergency waste disposal facilities. • Evaluate the need for commercial chemical toilets throughout the impacted communities. Ensure contracts include servicing and pickup. • Advise communities on the importance of personal hygiene. • Advise communities on alternative human waste disposal options where chemical toilets are not available. • Advise and direct the public to working sanitary facilities such as schools, government buildings or community centers. • Distribute guidance on septic system evaluation/ repairs and alternative and temporary toilets that can be used. • Advise communities on how to properly sanitize water. • Ensure messaging is available online and via print and in the primary languages spoken in the community. Immediate Response Objectives • Establish who will have overall responsibility for addressing sanitation. • Monitor damage to sanitation facilities and infrastructure. • Ensure breakdowns in sanitation do not lead to contamination of water supplies. 73 • Ensure breakdowns in sanitation do not lead to degradation of surface and groundwater quality. • Ensure toilet and handwashing facilities are available and maintained in a safe and clean manner at camps, bases, and mass care facilities.
Sample messaging can be downloaded at: .
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